We strongly believe in sustainable tourism. We love our city. It is fragile and needs to be treated kindly. Kayaking in Venice means discovery its intimate part, the most hidden and beautiful places, without any environmental impact.

Venice has been loved by people from every time and place. Its unicity is important for the entire world. What really strikes a lot, except for the historical palaces and its history, is the perfect relationship that Venice has with the water of the lagoon. They are living together as if they were a single element.

All those canals represent the real Venice, the one that Venetian people have been living for centuries.

Real Venetian Kayak was born in March, 2015 and the very next year we have expand our staff, choosing people who love Venice like we do.

Real Venetian Kayak is owned by 3 of us: Davide Lucano, Arben Doci and Luca Zanon.

Our Team


Davide Lucano – Co-funder – 29 years old

From 2000 and 2009 I used to kayak at a competitive level and I obtained great results in the National team. In 2008 I became the Italian champion among universities, in the same year I went to Beijing to partecipate to the International Canoe Federation (ICF).

I have been teaching children to go canoeing for ages. I can row with the Venetian technique and normally, I can paddle a dargon boat too.

I am graduated in medicine and I live in Milan.

I love playing guitar and acting.

Arden Doci – Co-funder – 28 year old

I have been kayaking and rowing since 2006. I attended ICF twice, the first one in Hungary and the second one in Milan. At the Palio of the Ancient Maritime Republics I represented Venice on a galleon. I am graduated in environmental science and a coach at FICK.

I am a really decisive person.

Luca Zanon – Co-founder 31 years old


I am the owner of Birreria Zanon, the first one selling Forst beer. Venetians know me and my business because of my delicious tramezzini with brown bread.

If you you want to pass by after kayaking, you can try some yummy “chicheti” personally.

I love to travel too.