Best Things to do in Venice, Italy, This Winter – From Food to Kayak Tours

Best Things to do in Venice, Italy, This Winter – From Food to Kayak Tours

Best things to do in Venice, Italy, during winter include enjoying life as the Venetians do. As the departing summer crowds return the city to a slower pace, why not consider a vacation with a change of lifestyle? When you visit Venice in winter, you’ll discover a range of activities from enjoying great food to eco-friendly kayak tours.

1. Best views of iconic buildings during the acqua alta

Surreal photo opportunities present themselves at the iconic St. Mark’s Square and elsewhere during the high tides known as the acqua alta. The centuries-old annual flooding raises the water in Venice by as much as five feet (1.5 meters). Along with the locals, enjoy amazing views of the lake-like setting that brings extraordinary beauty.

2. Food for Italian foodies in Venice

Food in Venice, best experienced by shopping alongside the locals at the Rialto Fish and Vegetable Market in San Polo, is something foodies shouldn’t miss. Mercato di Rialto, the marketplace in the city for a thousand years, presents a wide variety of fresh produce. The boiled meat products in winter are simply mouth-watering. Enjoy an authentic shopping experience.

3. Enjoy the best hot chocolate in Italy

Venice produces masterful hot chocolate. Actually, the cooler winter months in Italy bring an opportunity to savor the popular beverage. Thick, rich, and exquisite to the palate, it’s no wonder Casanova loved it. The delectable treat is almost like indulging in a delicious dessert.

4. The best things are free – take a jogging tour

As the best things in life are free, go on a jogging tour. Real Venetian Running offers their clients an opportunity to see the sites and stay fit at the same time.  See the city through new eyes. The activity will warm your body and soul.

5. Venice, Italy is all about water, so a kayak tour could be the best option

Go eco-friendly and try out a kayak tour. Real Venetian Kayak tours take you about the city with experienced guides. It’s all about promoting sustainable tourism, so you enjoy the experience and help the environment. They also offer lessons on how to row a gondola, if you prefer something with more romance.

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6. Winter’s best festival in Venice

Slap in the middle of winter, Venice shakes off the cold with festivities during the annual Carnival (Carnevale). In February, the people transform themselves with masks and merry-making. The traditional festival brings parties, ice-skating, gallery events and more. The weekends rock the best fun to enjoy Venetian culture.

Venice in Italy brings a completely different perspective to visitors in winter. Why not make the most of the best things the city offers during the quieter months and enjoy living like a Venetian? In fact, from food to kayak tours, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

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